Hallowell will be closed March 31st and April 1st for inventory. We will begin processing orders placed during that time on April 2nd.
Convert your 2002 PRO Series anesthesia ventilator into an ICU respirator, operating completely independently from your anesthesia machine. Mounts conveniently under the vent. This unit is an absolute game changer for ICU care!
Compatible with all Hallowell Models 2000, 2002, 2002PRO series.
Hook-Up Supplies Included:
000A0489 - DISS O2 Supply Hose, FxF 4ft. Grn
000A2420B - Airway Press. Sampling Tee Assy
000A5267 - DISS O2 Supply Hose, FxF 18 in. Grn
000A6546 - DISS Air x O2 Supply Hose, FxF 4ft. Ylw
150A1691 - O2, DISS HT F Inlet x DISS Demand Outlets Y-Block (Grn)
150A6016 - O2, DISS F x 1/4" MNPT x 3/4" L, 90° Elbow
240A1457 - Humidifier Bubbler, Refillable
200A2682 - Wye, Parallel 22mmOD x 22mmOD x 22mmID/15mmID
202A2895 - Tube, gray BS w/cuffs 22mm x 36"
202A2896 - Tube, gray BS w/cuffs 22mm x 48" (2)
Comes with FiO2 Approximation Guide & O2 Blending Nomogram Card:
Call for Pricing
Ventilators, parts, accessories, and service for your HEMC units. Call us today!
All Items are Veterinary Use Only.
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